TAG Atomic Stardust Rod - 1/2lb

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SKU: TAG-033-R-1-067 - TAG-067 - 1/2LB


Item Name:

Trautman Art Glass Atomic Stardust Rods

Item ID:


Item Description:

This is an eye-catching mix of our Blue Stardust and Blu-V recipes. This glass takes a light blue shade and aventurine sparkle from TAG Blue Stardust, and takes a strong blue UV reaction (UVR) from TAG Blu-V. The result is a beautiful UVR color that looks amazing in all types of light. When hit with a UV light, this color has a deep blue glow that pairs very nicely with Pink Proton.

Manufacturer’s Working Tips:

Atomic Stardust is a highly stable, smooth working color, and likes an oxidized to neutral flame.

How It’s Sold:

These rods are sold in pc, ¼ lb, ½ lb, & 1 lb increments.

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